Trailer Editing

Need a movie trailer?

You’ve come to the right place! We specialize in:

– Editing Trailers (both theatrical and fundraising)
– Consulting On A Trailer You Are Editing
– Tutorials About Trailer Editing

Compelling trailers unfold in three movements: The Set Up, Obstacles, and Suspense. We’ll gather the right soundbites and images to cut a trailer that leaves viewers eager to watch (or fund) the feature. To see examples of trailers we’ve cut, click on the movie images on this page.

Fees. It usually takes one week to edit a 2-minute trailer from a feature film. Our weekly fee is currently $3200 for an award-winning trailer editor.

We edit your trailer from your feature documentary or up to 90 minutes of footage. You’ll receive 3 opportunities to weigh in on cuts.

See trailer consulting options below.


Consulting On A Trailer You Are Editing

Need Some Precise, Expert Feedback?

If you are editing a trailer yourself, we can advise you on editing a sizzling hot promo!

The Consulting Fee depends on 1) the amount of footage we’d watch to create your new trailer and 2) whether you want to work with Karen or one of her personally trained staff editors.

For a 2-minute trailer:

Option A. We consult on a 2-4 minute draft that you’ve cut without watching additional footage. Karen’s fee is $1000 and Staff fee is $700. We’ll diagnose where your trailer needs more drama, information, and momentum– and then offer solutions.

Option B. If you want us to watch more than 4 minutes of footage, add $250 per 15 minutes.

With both options, you receive a detailed script with time codes for audio (and some key video shots). This “paper edit” makes it easy for your editor to implement our recommended edits, and also allows your editor the creativity of selecting additional B-roll.

In addition, we highly recommend hiring us for a one-hour follow up so we can review your editor’s work and make final suggestions. Karen’s follow up fee is $350/hour and Staff fee follow up is $175/hour.

Contact us for more information.


Tutorials About Trailer Editing

Learn How to Edit A Trailer

Our trailer for PBS feature “We Said No! No!”

We’ve taught several terrific webinars about trailer editing that you can access below. In addition, download our latest 22-minute video tutorial “Editing Trailers: Seven Essential Rules”. It’s the most detailed and visual instruction you’ll find anywhere about trailer editing! See how we edit trailers–and learn how your team can edit your own trailer.

Cutting 2-minute Trailers
Webinar With Keith Ochwat of Show&Tell, 8/25/22
Karen’s presentation begins at 5 minutes

Editing for Fundraising
Webinar With Keith Ochwat of Show&Tell, April 2021
Karen’s presentation begins at 29 minutes

Editing For Conferences
Webinar With Keith Ochwat of Show&Tell, 2022
Karen’s presentation begins around 28:30

Film Funding Trailer Webinar
Webinar With Carole Dean of From the Heart Productions, 2021
Scroll down to Part 3; Karen’s tutorial begins at 6:30.

Interested in learning more?

Tell us about your trailer plans.