Talented New Editor Available

I hope that Spring is putting at bounce in your step! Here at New Doc Editing, we’ve been working with so many documentary directors that I’ve added three new talented editors to our growing staff.

If you’ll be looking for an editor in the next few months, please let me know. One of our gifted new editors will be available soon. He’s an astounding storyteller. Versed in AVID, Premiere, FCP 7 and X, he can also help with your film’s graphics and textual treatment.

Here’s what director Steve Lickteig said about editing his film Open Secret with our team:

“New Doc Editing took my film to the next level. Through Karen Everett’s careful eye and deep understanding of narrative, my documentary went from a pile of footage to a deeply compelling story. Money well spent.”

Check out our Finish Your Film program and then email me for a free consultation

Talented New Editor Available