Seven Reasons to Hire Our Editor

Are you looking for the right editor to cut your documentary? Here are seven reasons why you might want to collaborate with a New Doc Editing editor:

First, you’ll work with a highly talented editor who is trained in the New Doc storytelling principles that helped director Chad Gracia win the 2015 Sundance Grand Jury Prize. See his testimonial below.

Second, because our editors are set up to work virtually, you’ll have a wider selection of talent from which to choose than if you searched within an hour’s drive of your home.

Third, we care a lot about the right fit. Matching you with a staff editor who shares your sensibility and preferred collaborative style is one of our chief concerns.

Fourth, when you hire one of our editors, you’ll get one hour/week of my own story consulting services–free of charge. You’re getting two minds for the price of one.

Fifth, our fee is reasonable. Most experienced editors worth their chops are $2500-$4500/week. Our rate is on the low end of that scale. We’ll figure out how to work within your budget.

Sixth, we’ll save you additional money by cutting the typical post-production schedule in half. You’ll get coached on how to move quickly into editing with our innovative logging and selects system.

Seventh, if you hire our editor through our Finish Your Film program, you get story consulting and coaching. Essentially, our coaching helps you stay on focus with the tasks that a producer might provide during post-production, such as archival research, finding a composer and/or animator, and creating a distribution plan.

You can learn more about how to finish your film quickly here. Email me for a free consultation to learn how one of our talented editors can help you complete a compelling documentary.

Here’s what Chad Gracia, winner of the Sundance Grand Jury Prize, has to say about working with New Doc Editing:

“I was very lucky to have come across Karen Everett while in the final stages of editing my film, The Russian Woodpecker. While we had a strong story, there were some structural flaws in the first act that were confusing our viewers. With an eagle eye, Karen was able to diagnose the problem and help with a solution that was simple, yet extremely effective. I highly recommend her services.”

Seven Reasons to Hire Our Editor