Endorsements From Directors
Our Work
Check out our work on these award-winning documentaries
See more filmmaker testimonials here.
The Russian Woodpecker
Editing and Consulting

In this Sundance-winning documentary, a Ukrainian artist investigates the dark secret of the Chernobyl nuclear disaster.
While we had a strong story, there were some structural...
Click to read more.The Russian Woodpecker
Editing and Consulting

While we had a strong story, there were some structural flaws in the first act that were confusing our viewers. With an eagle eye, Karen was able to diagnose the problem and help with a solution that was simple, yet extremely effective. I highly recommend her services, and her excellent book 'Documentary Editing'.
Chad Gracia, Director
Awards and Recognition
- Grand Jury Award, Sundance FF
- Cinematography Award, IDA
- Best Media Award, DocuTIFF
- Grand Jury Nominee, Sheffield FF
- Bruce Sinofsky Prize, Montclair FF

The Future Starts Here

Rushing head first into the future with Tiffany Shlain, this AOL hit web-series was nominated for an Emmy.
Karen is a fantastic story consultant. Not only is her...
Click to read more.The Future Starts Here

Karen is a fantastic story consultant. Not only is her advice so valuable and insightful but the clear way that she communicates her input through her notes, her video commentary and plot maps is so helpful. I can't recommend her enough.
Tiffany Shlain, Director
Awards and Recognition
- Emmy Nominee, National Television Academy
- AOL Originals Hit Show
- 40 Million Views and counting

From India with Love

In this character-driven documentary, victims of violence embark on a healing, epic journey to India. Screened at the U.S. State Department.
As a first-time documentary film producer/director, I feel...
Click to read more.From India with Love

As a first-time documentary film producer/director, I feel extremely grateful to Karen for providing me with an editor who resonated deeply with the cause and brought her personal passion to the table. The film was completed in record time, and Karen’s expert guidance during the periodic editorial reviews was very useful and timely. All in all it was a super team effort that I am very proud of.
Mandar Apte, Director
Awards and Recognition
- Official Selection, U.S. State Department
- Certificate of Appreciation, LAPD
- Paramount Pictures Screening
- Medal of Honor, Rochester Police Depart
- Official Selection, Louisville International DD

Love Thy Nature

Winner of several awards, this cinematic journey through nature re-awakens our awe.
There are several reasons why I really enjoy working with...
Click to read more.Love Thy Nature

There are several reasons why I really enjoy working with Karen: She offers great feedback, thanks to her vast knowledge on documentary storytelling; she creates a supportive community of filmmakers though her story circles; and most importantly, she is fully and authentically invested in our success.
Sylvia Rokab, Director
Awards and Recognition
- Best Documentary, Fort Lauderdale FF
- Winner, 2 Gold Awards, International Movie Awards
- Best Doc, Indie Spirit FF
- Best of Show, Indie FF
- Best Special Effects, Maverick FF
- Best Doc Feature, Honolulu Film Awards

From Baghdad to the Bay

This award-winning documentary follow the journey of an Iraqi gay man wrongfully accused of being a double agent.
Thank you so much Karen for your excellent, constructive...
Click to read more.From Baghdad to the Bay

Thank you so much Karen for your excellent, constructive, and creative feedback. The timing couldn't have been more perfect!
Erin Palmquist, Director
Awards and Recognition
- Winner Best Doc, Cinequest FF
- Programmer’s Awd for Excellence, Outshine FF
- Best First-Time Filmmaker, GI FF
- Official Selection, Docutah International FF

A Fragile Trust

Broadcast on PBS, this character-driven documentary tells shocking story of NYT plagiarist Jayson Blair.
Well-balanced…meticulous…Portrait of disgraced reporter...
Click to read more.A Fragile Trust

Well-balanced…meticulous…Portrait of disgraced reporter Jayson Blair raises tough questions about journalistic ethics and personal responsibility in the digital era.
Awards and Recognition
- Independent Lens, PBS Broadcast
- Special Jury Awd Nominee, Sheffield Doc/Fest
- Winner, Documentary Feature, Macon FF
- Best Documentary, Hawaii Intl FF
- Best Female Director, Salem FF
- Big Sky Documentary FF


Broadcast on PBS’s American Masters series, this character-driven film examines the life and work of pioneering Chinese American artist Tyrus Wong.
I feel the one solution I've felt 100% comfortable with is...
Click to read more.Tyrus

I feel the one solution I've felt 100% comfortable with is making my film as strong as possible. ENTER KAREN EVERETT!
Pamela Tom, Director
Awards and Recognition
- PBS Broadcast, American Masters
- Best Feature Doc, Philadelphia Asian FF
- Best Director Awd, Cinetopia FF
- Audience Award, Newport Beach FF
- Best Feature Doc, DisOrient FF
- Official Selection, Sheffield Doc FF

50 Children: The Rescue Mission of Mr. and Mrs. Kraus

This HBO hit tells the inspiring Holocaust story of a courageous couple who try to save fifty Jewish children.
I can't thank Karen enough for providing such invaluable and...
Click to read more.50 Children: The Rescue Mission of Mr. and Mrs. Kraus

I can't thank Karen enough for providing such invaluable and insightful advice on how to shape and structure my documentary film. I'm so pleased to have collaborated with her right through the final cut of my film.
Stephen Pressman, Director
Awards and Recognition
- HBO Broadcast
- Emmy Nominee, National Television Academy
- Seventh Art Releasing

Good Fortune

Award-winning Director Josh Tickell is back with a rags to riches tale of conscious capitalism pioneer John Paul DeJoria.
After a number of test screenings and a lot of notes from...
Click to read more.Good Fortune

After a number of test screenings and a lot of notes from industry experts, we felt like we were really missing something with our movie. Karen took such great care in analyzing the film. Her feedback was nothing short of a breakthrough in thinking; our entire perspective on the movie shifted. She articulated ideas, concepts, and very clear directions for changes that took little time - and made the movie immeasurably better.
Josh Tickell, Director
Awards and Recognition
- Jury Award Doc Feature, Atlanta Docufest
- Best of Doc & Audience Award, Sedona FF
- Official Selection, Toronto Intl FF
- Thumbs Up, Roger Ebert Film Review

Frank Kearns: American Correspondent

This biography of a CBS News journalist known for covering dangerous stories won an Emmy award.
Karen provided us with insightful and informative...
Click to read more.Frank Kearns: American Correspondent

Karen provided us with insightful and informative suggestions on how to improve our project. It was especially helpful to have a fresh set of eyes and ears focusing on our story. Karen pulled us back up to the 30,000 foot level, instead of meandering in the details.
Gerald Davis, Producer/Director
Awards and Recognition
- PBS Screening
- Emmy Award, Regional, National Television Academy
- Filmmaker of the Year, West Virginia FF
- Official Selection, St. Augustine FF
- Special Screening, Radio Television Digital News

The Corridor

Winner of the SF Film Critics Award, this verite doc takes us into the first high school custom built inside an adult jail.
Karen came in to consult at an early stage of our edit, when...
Click to read more.The Corridor

Karen came in to consult at an early stage of our edit, when we were struggling with an overly complex structure and an ensemble of many characters. She helped us anchor the storyline around a few key characters, and build stronger character arcs for them -- and more clearly establish the stakes for their 'quests'.
Annelise Wunderlich, Co-Director
Awards and Recognition
- KQED Truly California public TV series
- Award Winning series, America Reframed
- SF Film Critics Award


Premiering at Sundance, Tiffany Shlain’s inspiring hybrid doc grapples with her famous father’s death and the future of Western modernization.
Karen Everett has a brilliant mind and made me and my team...
Click to read more.Connected

Karen Everett has a brilliant mind and made me and my team feel like we had a wonderful guide while we were in the final stage of our film. She gave us an insightful perspective that you often loose when you have been too many months in the editing room. I always loved all the ways she gave feedback remotely using all the technologies available in such a smart way. It is very organized and feels like she is there in the room.
Tiffany Shlain, Director
Awards and Recognition
- Premiere, Sundance FF
- Disruptive Innovation Awd, Tribeca FF
- Interdependence Film Prize, Berlin Intl FF
- Women in Film Awd, National Geographic
- Winner of 17 Awards and Distinctions

Father’s Kingdom

This film festival favorite reveals the untold story of the remarkable civil rights pioneer Father Divine.
Karen has been an enormous help to me. She immediately...
Click to read more.Father’s Kingdom

Karen has been an enormous help to me. She immediately understood and discussed the weaknesses and strengths of the project. More than that, she is a filmmaker herself and knows well the emotional process we go through. Her online seminars are worth years of formal education. Spending time and money with Karen Everett is time and money well spent. My only regret is that I didn't know her when I did my earlier projects. They would've been better films if I had.
Lenny Feinberg, Director
Awards and Recognition
- Official Selection, Big Sky Doc FF
- Official Selection, Doc NYC
- Official Selection, March on Washington FF
- Official Selection, Sarasota FF
- Official Selection, San Francisco Black FF

My Dear Children

Broadcast through American Public Television, this character-driven film is the first-ever scholarly doc on Jewish Pogroms.
Karen’s input made the difference between an interesting...
Click to read more.My Dear Children

Karen’s input made the difference between an interesting niche film and one that is broadcast quality. We received a remarkable 80% “yes” votes from American Public Television member stations. There is no question Karen was worth every penny…and more.
LeeAnn Dance
Awards and Recognition
- American Public Television Broadcast
- Best Documentary Award, Harrisburg Jewish FF
- Official Selection, Washington Jewish FF
- Official Selection, Southampton Jewish FF

Voices of Grief

Screened on public television, this powerful essay documentary explores the courage to grieve in a death avoiding culture.
Once we started our consultations with Karen, we realized...
Click to read more.Voices of Grief

Once we started our consultations with Karen, we realized how much we needed fresh eyes on our project. Her feedback has always been clear and on point. We have taken huge steps forward since our time with her. She is truly a gifted teacher! We were encouraged beyond measure with a deep breath of loving and creative energy.
Kathy Sparnins, Director
Awards and Recognition
- American Public Television Screening
- Audience Choice Ard, Charleston Intl FF
- Best Doc Short Nominee, Hudson Valley Intl FF
- American Psychological Association FF

Open Secret

A hit on the Toronto film scene, this Hot Docs premiere follows a young man in search of his birth parents.
New Doc Editing edited my film and took it to the next...
Click to read more.Open Secret

New Doc Editing edited my film and took it to the next level. Through Karen’s careful eye and deep understanding of narrative, my documentary went from a pile of tapes to a deeply compelling story. Money well spent.
Steve Lickteig, Director
Awards and Recognition
- Al Jazeera America Television
- Thessaloniki Documentary FF
- Hot Docs Intl Documentary Fest
- American Adoption Congress Nat Convention

Money and Life

An award-winning, essay-style documentary that frames our economic crisis as an opportunity.
Hiring Karen as a consultant on my film was one of the best...
Click to read more.Money and Life

Hiring Karen as a consultant on my film was one of the best investments on the project. Her respectfulness and genuine enthusiasm for the film's success gave me renewed confidence when it sagged the most. Karen's guiding touch was just right: not too hard and not too soft. She’s been a godsend.
Katie Teague, Director
Awards and Recognition
- Best Social Issue Doc, Atlanta Docufest
- Institute of Noetic Sciences FF
- Dominican Republic Environmental FF

Uranium Drive-In

In this nuanced environmental film, locals fight over a proposed uranium mill in southwestern Colorado.
We needed help, and another filmmaker recommended Karen...
Click to read more.Uranium Drive-In

We needed help, and another filmmaker recommended Karen Everett and New Doc Editing. Half way through our 6-month course with her Inner Circle, we learned an incredible amount about story structure that helped shape our rough cut.
Judy Kohin, Producer
Awards and Recognition
- Best Feature, Arica Nativa FF
- Best of Festival, Big Sky FF
- Jury Award, Wild & Scenic FF
- Jury Award, Durango FF
- Documentary Excellence, St. Louis Intl FF

The Mona Lisa is Missing

Winner of several awards, this investigative doc reveals the greatest little-known art theft in history.
I had a rough cut but it was too long , too complicated, and...
Click to read more.The Mona Lisa is Missing

I had a rough cut but it was too long , too complicated, and didn't have dramatic punch. I was stuck. So I sent my film to Karen Everett at New Doc Editing. In her video notes, she told me what worked, what didn't, and what I needed to do. POW! Logjam broken. I immediately saw how to fix my film.
Joe Medeiros, Director
Awards and Recognition
- Winner, Best Editing, Docutah
- Best Historical Doc San Antonio FF
- Best Doc, Amelia Island FF
- Audience Choice Award, RXSM FF
- Special Award, San Joaquin FF

Miss Gulag

Women inmates in a Siberian prison stage a fashion show. A hit at A-list film festivals.
Karen helped me focus on what my story is really about and...
Click to read more.Miss Gulag

Karen helped me focus on what my story is really about and what kind of film I was trying to make. She helped map out my story and character arcs.
Maria Yatskova, Director
Awards and Recognition
- Best Debut Feature, Moscow Human Rights FF
- Best Debut Feature, Saratov FF
- Official Selection, Berln Intl FF
- Official Selection, Silverdocs Festival
- Official Selection, Sheffield Intl Documentary FF

Living on a Dollar a Day

Based on the book of the same name, this astonishing documentary reveals intimate faces of the world’s poor.
Karen brings with her the talent, skill, and love to take...
Click to read more.Living on a Dollar a Day

Karen brings with her the talent, skill, and love to take what otherwise may be a disjointed and difficult documentary project. She brings your story to life. When the aim is to move the viewer, she helps you create a path to do just that. Time with her is money well worth spent.
Tom Nazario, Director
Awards and Recognition
- Best Documentary, BELIFF
- Best Editing, Be Epic! London International Film Festival

American Visionary

This character-driven documentary explores the life and ideas of Barbara Marx Hubbard, whom Deepak Chopra called “the mother of conscious evolution”.
This film is a singularly wonderful accomplishment, and...
Click to read more.American Visionary

This film is a singularly wonderful accomplishment, and Karen and her editor deserve enormous credit. It is beautifully edited with perfectly tuned sensitivity. New Doc Editing evokes the full range of human emotions in the viewer.
Stuart Cohen, Film Critic
Awards and Recognition
- Conscious Visionary Award
- Official Selection, Illuminate Film Festival

I Shall Not Be Removed

Broadcast on American Public Television, this brilliant biography follows the late Marlon Riggs, a black gay film activist.
Karen edited this loving and brilliant biography of the late...
Click to read more.I Shall Not Be Removed

Karen edited this loving and brilliant biography of the late Marlon Riggs. It sings in the face of rejection, loss, racism, homophobia and AIDS. It sings in the face of impending death.
Mary Dunlap, SF Examiner
Awards and Recognition
- Best Director, San Diego LGBT FF
- Silver Apple Award in Filmmaking
- Jury’s Pick, Chicago Filmmakers

A Brush with the Tenderloin

In this Emmy-award winning doc, a soft-spoken artist paints a mural in one of the diciest corners of San Francisco.
Karen, thank you for all of your help and feedback on the...
Click to read more.A Brush with the Tenderloin

Karen, thank you for all of your help and feedback on the documentary. I used a lot of your suggestions.
Paige Bierma, Director
Awards and Recognition


The story of the unlikely queen of the highly segregated tennis world in the 1950’s.
The unlikely queen of the highly segregated tennis world in...
Click to read more.Althea

The unlikely queen of the highly segregated tennis world in the 1950’s, her story is a complex tale of race, class and gender.>>> “Karen, thanks so much for your great energy and attention to our project… I will definitely be calling you in the future.
Rex Miller, Director
Awards and Recognition
- National PBS Broadcast, American Masters
- Grand Jury Prize, American Black FF
- Official Selection, Full Frame FF
- Official Selection, Doc NYC FF
- Official Selection, Athena FF

70 Acres in Chicago

Broadcast on PBS’s POV series, this longitudinal doc chronicles the housing upheaval at Cabrini Green.
After many years of working on this film… I want to thank...
Click to read more.70 Acres in Chicago

After many years of working on this film… I want to thank you for your guidance on story structure. Your feedback and the group were both quite helpful on this journey.
Ronit Bezalel
Awards and Recognition
- National PBS Broadcast, POV
- Best Doc Feature, Collected Voices FF
- Best Doc, Cinema Systems FF
- Official Selection Big Muddy FF
- Official Selection, Gene Siskel Center
Karen displays astonishing originality, daring and perseverance. She is fearless in tackling ambitious projects, deeply experienced, and unequalled in her skill. Don't let this opportunity slip away.
Jon Else, UC Berkeley Professor
PBS Producer, Eyes on the Prize