New Documentary Seminar

You may be working on a documentary that doesn’t have a strong enough story to qualify as a legitimate three-act narrative, yet you want to maximize your characters’ appeal and drama.

What do you do?

Chances are your footage can be crafted into a hybrid documentary, an art form that borrows elements of the three-act structure and the classic essay form.

An example of this kind of documentary is Werner Herzog’sGrizzly Man”. Available on Netflix, this highly successful film explores ideas about how we humans connect with animals, while leveraging the story elements of his main character, Timothy Treadwell.

At the request of my former students, I’m pleased to announce a spanking new documentary seminar, beginning May 6th, which teaches filmmakers how to craft this complex style of documentary.

Structuring the Hybrid Documentary” is a live, virtual 4-week seminar in which you’ll learn how to direct and edit a film with strong characters as well as strong ideas. We’ll examine how well your footage (or concept if you are in pre-production) fulfills the mandates of the classic three-act structure, as well as the essay-style documentary.

We’ll learn to pull apart the two distinct forms, evaluate where your footage measures up to the requirements of each structure, and then weave the story and essay elements of your film back together in an artful way.

The good news is you don’t have to have a full-blown three-act structure to create a riveting hybrid documentary.

Register for “Structuring the Hybrid Documentary” now to get the early-bird price. I’m limiting participation to ten to provide maximum time for participants in this weekly teleseminar.

New Documentary Seminar