My Film’s Breakthrough Story

I know what it’s like to see one’s passion for one’s documentary slip away while waiting around for funding.

Before I share more about my film’s breakthrough story, a reminder that today is the last day of our half-off documentary seminar sale:

My own biography of an inspiring visionary began with a bang in 2012. I felt deeply moved to share my subject’s message of hope. I raised $100,000 through crowd-funding and completed principal photography within a year.

But then, funding seemed to dry up. Logging 200 hours of footage predictably turned into a huge time drain.

Fast forward two years. People started asking, “When will your film be done?” I even received an angry email from a major donor.

The story I shot in 2012 risked becoming dated. Finally, I decided I had to find a way to breakthrough the funding logjam and finish my film within a year–using the money I had on hand.

With the help of a coach and some hard-nosed, realistic thinking, I devised an innovative system to speed up the editing process–which I am now sharing with other directors.

You can learn more about this in my new Finish Your Film Program, which can help you complete your documentary within one year:

Here’s what Sundance award-winning director Josh Tickell (Fuel) said about working with New Doc Editing:

“Karen took such great care in analyzing the film. Her feedback was nothing short of a breakthrough in thinking…and made the movie immeasurably better. Thank you Karen – your phone will be ringing with us on the other end for each movie project we do!”

Email me for a free consultation today. I look forward to helping you!

My Film’s Breakthrough Story