Finishing Editor with Storytelling Chops

The Sundance Film Festival is a month away, and Hot Docs, Sheffield and Silver Docs’ deadlines are coming up soon! (Hot Docs 2016 late deadline is January 6.)

If your work-in-progress isn’t quite as gripping as it could be, I currently have a finishing editor with stellar storytelling abilities available for the next eight weeks.

To inspire you, consider the case of The Russian Woodpecker.

Around this time last year, we helped director Chad Gracia tweak his character-driven documentary late in the game, just before submitting to Sundance.

Chad’s film went on to win the 2015 Sundance World Cinema Grand Jury Prize. He praised our “exquisite sense of storytelling” and cited “a rare talent for helping filmmakers to clarify their stories and make their films as gripping as possible”.

If you are interested in exploring a collaboration with me (as story consultant) and my talented finishing editor, let’s talk!

Finishing Editor with Storytelling Chops