Esalen Inspirational Film Festival Starts Sunday
Thanks to the many filmmakers who applied to our Inner Circle program, which has sold out.
Every year the prestigious Esalen Institute brings together filmmakers, educators, activists, and film buffs to watch and talk about films that empower and enrich the human spirit.
This year I’m honored to present about transformational documentary filmmaking on Tuesday, April 21st. Let me know if you are coming! Learn more at:
Esalen Transformational Filmmaking Festival
Please let me know if you will be at the Esalen festival so we can connect! Here’s a brief synopsis of my presentation:
“Traditional ways of making social issue documentaries, as powerful as they once were, are reaching their limitations. After decades of documentaries that have fiercely critiqued the wrongs in the world–often inadvertently leaving viewers depressed and immobile–we need films that inspire audiences to be the change they are waiting for.”