Our Blog



Free Module On Documentary Narration

November 30, 2016

Today I’m giving away module #7 of my 12-part series The Ultimate Guide to Structuring Your Documentary. Download it for free here: newdocediting.com/ultimateguide/7week7uqw.mov You’ll learn tips for writing narration (even if it’s text on screen) and structuring your documentary’s first act. Get all my online seminars for $297 at: newdocediting.com/products        

Free Module On Documentary Narration

First 10 Minutes of Your Documentary

November 28, 2016

I want to share a personal story, but first this: December 2nd is the deadline to submit to two prestigious festivals: AFI Silverdocs and the Los Angeles Film Festival. Recently I had the opportunity to show an excerpt of my own work-in-progress at a tribute for my film’s 86-year-old subject, Barbara Marx Hubbard. I was excited because this group represented my core audience, and I would have a chance to generate a buzz for the film. As I contemplated showing the first ten minutes of my fine cut, I realized that it would not contain one of the film’s most…

First 10 Minutes of Your Documentary

Holiday Sale on Documentary Seminars

November 23, 2016

In the spirit of gratitude for visionary filmmakers, I’m offering half-price on our all our documentary seminars for the next 48 hours: newdocediting.com/products I’ve been so blessed to work with hundreds of passionate, talented filmmakers who are changing the world one insightful film at a time. Thank you, my creative tribe.

Holiday Sale on Documentary Seminars

Model Crowdfunding Pitch

November 20, 2016

I want to share a Kickstarter campaign from one of the talented directors with whom I’ve worked, Tom Meadmore, because it’s a stellar example of charismatic pitching: www.kickstarter.com/projects You’ll see that Tom’s Kickstarter video (which at 4 minutes is a tad long) sandwiches his trailer between two personal appearances. The first of these two direct-camera addresses is particularly compelling. And it’s not just his charming British accent. Tom has a talent, which he’s worked at, for addressing the camera in a way that’s friendly, disarming, and informative. If you have that knack yourself, use Tom’s delivery as a model to…

Model Crowdfunding Pitch

Recommendations For Editing Inspiring Documentaries

November 16, 2016

As promised, here’s Part Two of my discussion about creating inspiring documentaries. You can read Part 1 about Joe Berlinger’s new, uplifting, observational documentary, which breaks the “take down” mold, in last week’s blog. As educated, critical thinkers who are often aware of global crises, we documentary filmmakers tend to make films that critique the status quo. The American independent documentary community has been doing that for decades—and initially very effectively. But despite the so-called golden age of documentaries, I fear documentaries are beginning to get a reputation as “downers”. Or, as Joe Berlinger puts it, “take down” documentaries. Who…

Recommendations For Editing Inspiring Documentaries

Talented Editor Available In January

November 14, 2016

One of our talented editors is just now wrapping a documentary project and will be available in early January. Don’t wait to lock in a gifted editor. Our editors have great credentials, and they get booked quickly. This particular editor has great bedside manners, gets rave reviews from our directors, and has proven to be one of the finest storytellers I know. Email me if you are interested in a free consultation.

Talented Editor Available In January

Election Eve Documentary On Women

November 6, 2016

On the eve of this important election, I’m excited to share with you Tiffany Shlain’s new documentary short. It’s called 50/50: Rethinking the Past, Present, and Future of Women + Power. I’ve been working with Tiffany as a story editor since her documentary Connected premiered at Sundance in 2011. She’s a remarkable, team-building director, who expands the documentary mold with her first-person camera address, signature humor, and use of found footage. Check out her latest short and get out and vote!

Election Eve Documentary On Women

I Am Not Your Guru Documentary

November 5, 2016

I’m delighted to be returning to my documentary newsletter, after spending five months wrapping up my own film. In 2012, just before I began directing American Visionary, a film about Barbara Marx Hubbard, I sought out self-improvement guru Tony Robbins. I asked him if I could make a documentary about his work. I’m still a bit discomfited today to admit that this giant man, whom most people think of as a hyped-up motivational speaker, has been such an influential teacher to me personally. But several years ago, his seminars dramatically improved my life. Then I received an email from his…

I Am Not Your Guru Documentary

Sale on Documentary Seminars

September 5, 2016

Happy Labor Day! To help you make progress on your film this Fall, I’m offering a half-price discount on all my popular documentary seminars. Check it out at:   newdocediting.com/products   This sale ends in 48 hours!  

Sale on Documentary Seminars

Film Distribution Workshop

June 29, 2016

I’m pleased to recommend an acclaimed film distribution workshop coming up on July 20th. A daylong event, “How to Sell Your Film” is being held at UC Berkeley, where I taught for 18 years. Register at: multimedia.journalism.berkeley.edu/workshops/how-to-sell-your-film As the link above reveals, getting your film distributed is more complicated today than ever before. But the good news is there’s more opportunity to reach your audience and keep more revenue. I’m especially excited about this opportunity because it’s being co-taught by my talented colleague Jilann Spitzmiller, an award-winning filmmaker. I just registered myself, so let me know if you’re coming. The…

Film Distribution Workshop