Is It Time?

During this crazy pandemic, some of us seek a silver lining. For you, it might be on the shelf where you put your passion project.

For others, it’s in the footage you recently shot. (If you were in the throes of production, like a few of my clients, it can feel ruinous to suddenly stop shooting.) Why not use this time to reflect on what’s in the can, and what’s not?

To help, check out these past newsletters on specific topics that might be timely for you:

Is it time to start logging footage (and also identify what’s missing)?
How to Log Footage Quickly

Is time to find an inciting incident?
Five Ways to Create an Inciting Incident

Is it time to get a trusted outside perspective?
Story Consulting During Post

Is it time to order multiple story arcs and protagonists?
Editing Films with Multiple Protagonists

Hang in there everyone, and use this time wisely!

Is It Time?