Talented Finishing Editors Available

My editors are currently working full-time, but two will become available soon. Sometimes directors ask us to come in and finish an edit, so I thought I’d address this question:

What does a finishing editor do?

In some cases, a few strategic adjustments can help fix a broken structure: moving scenes, accelerating a slow start, or ending with a powerful climax.

For example, we helped polish The Russian Woodpecker shortly before it was submitted to Sundance.  The film won the Grand Jury Prize, and Variety praised its assembly as “first rate down the line”.

A finishing editor can also finesse scenes with a host of micro-editing tricks. These include cut on gesture, cut on wipe, cut on movement, montages, strategic pauses, and music strings to mark transitions.

Finally, you might want to bring in a finishing editor to add clarity. If test audiences find your film confusing in spots, we can solve those problems with precision-placed soundbites and/or succinctly-written exposition (narration or text cards).

Email me if you’re interested.

Talented Finishing Editors Available