Finish Your Film Program Deadline

Happy Tuesday! May is a busy month here at New Doc Editing, as I prepare to teach at Doc Nomads this summer.

Applications for our Finish Your Film program end May 15th, so please let me know if you are interested. I’ve accepted 8 filmmakers to date, and I have room for two more directors.

If you are serious about finishing your film this year, consider our specially designed film completion program, which includes both editing and story consulting services to make your vision come alive.

We’ll match you with one of our talented editors. Experienced storytellers, our top-notch editors have cut documentaries for venues such as MSNBC, PBS and Bravo, and won awards at festivals like Sundance.

Here’s what one director recently had to say about our Finish Your Film program:

“Working with New Doc Editing lit a fire under me.  Karen’s guidance was on target regarding prep to work with an editor, and especially which editor I would benefit from collaborating with. He was thoughtful, insightful, and easy to work with. I am truly grateful, and I certainly want to continue working with New Doc Editing for the rest of this year.”

If you’re interested, please email today me for a free consultation. I currently have three openings this Thursday and Saturday.

Finish Your Film Program Deadline