Gifted Editors Soon Obtainable

Two of our gifted editors are wrapping film projects soon. What’s it take to obtain their services?

First, email me for a free 20-minute consultation. We’ll discuss what you’re specifically looking for in an editor, your vision for your documentary, and your post-production time-table.

Then, if you want, we’ll set up a three-way conference call with an experienced editor who best fits your working style and film’s subject matter.

With New Doc Editing, you’ll collaborate with an editorial team whose strong suit is storytelling. I’d love to discuss how an award-winning story consultant and a talented editor can execute your dream documentary!

Here’s what film director Deborah French Frisher had to say recently about working with us:

“Our film gained style and substance from remarkable attunement on the part of New Doc Editing. Karen and her editor Will demonstrated skillful technical means and collaborative chops needed to cultivate an alliance of trust… with deliverables on time!”

Check out more than 110 more testimonials here.

Gifted Editors Soon Obtainable