Empowering Visionary Filmmakers

I’m thrilled that Jim: The James Foley Story won the Sundance U.S. Documentary Audience Award! If you missed my prediction of why this documentary should win, read it here.

Last month, before the fray of Sundance, I treated myself to a quiet New Year’s retreat in Sedona, AZ. My intention: to re-connect with the purpose of my business, New Doc Editing.

As I walked through my girlfriend’s lovely home, a large violet crystal whispered, “Pick me up.” My woo-woo radar on high alert, I nevertheless lifted the pyramid-shaped object. Three words filled my head: “Empower visionary filmmakers.”

While I’m officially agnostic on the power of crystals, those three words formed the psychic substratum of my hikes around Bell Rock. I thought deeply about why this mission statement resonated with me. Here’s what I uncovered.

Last year, several filmmakers confessed to me that they’re losing their passion for their works-in-progress after many years. Like a romantic partner who seeks out a couple’s counselor, these filmmakers desperately want to fall back in love with their film.

How did I show them the way home? Essentially, by revealing the enchanting story or compelling essay buried in their footage.

Reconnecting filmmakers with their initial limerence state—the feeling of obsession with their own deep vision–is the first step. Guiding them to make a rock solid commitment to finishing their documentary is the next. Like adhering to a marriage vow or any worthwhile promise, the decision to do whatever it takes can be evoked with a powerful leverage exercise.

For example, recently I asked a director to imagine that if she didn’t finish her film within one year, she would lose someone she loved. This thought exercise got her attention. As crazy as it sounds, she imagined that her daughter’s life depended on completing her film. Suddenly her mother tiger energy kicked in, and in that frame of mind, she knew she would find a way. And we did. She now has a script that we helped write and are editing.

Earlier this year, my Finish Your Film program sold out. Designed to give visionary filmmakers real-world tools and an affordable editorial team to complete a film they are proud of, the program hit a nerve.

Recommitting to my purpose, I’ve now opened up two spots for visionary filmmakers who are in, or approaching, post-production. Learn more here.

If you are interested in the guidance of a talented editor and award-winning story consultant to recommit to and realize your vision, please email for a free consultation. I promise to keep crystals out of the discussion.

Empowering Visionary Filmmakers