Free Documentary Seminar

Happy New Year! If your New Year’s resolution includes finishing your documentary in 2016 this year, please email me to talk about how we can make your vision a reality with one of our talented editors.

I’m also happy to announce that Editing the Character-Driven Documentary (normally $200) is now available for free.

Filmed live at a weekend seminar at the San Francisco Film Society (it repeatedly sold out), this six-part tutorial shows how character-driven documentaries can be as gripping as fiction films, if structured with screenwriting techniques.

Today’s excerpt (module 4 of 6) will guide your shooting, so you end up in the edit room with the required scenes for a plot-filled documentary.

Get it here on You Tube, or download for free here.

Finally, congratulations to Pamela Tom, our story consulting client whose character-driven documentary Tyrus recently won the Audience Award at the Hawaii International Film Festival, even beating out Michael Moore!

Free Documentary Seminar