$10,000 Relief Discount for Post-Production – Time Sensitive
I’m happy to announce that New Doc Editing has established a $10,000 Covid-19 Relief Discount for filmmakers in post-production. We’ve received a PPP loan for small businesses that allows us to offer this benefit to a few select filmmakers.
Those selected will collaborate with one of our talented editors and myself at a 30% discount for up to 7 weeks. Our goal is to support 2-3 filmmakers who meet the following criteria:
- You’re producing a solution-oriented, social issue documentary;
- Or, you’re producing a documentary about Covid-19 or any illness that celebrates the power of human resiliency and love;
- You have cash on hand because we require pre-payment;
- Can complete at least 2 weeks of editing by June 30, 2020.
To apply, simply respond with a short email (100 words maximum) explaining why you meet the above qualifications. Also include a one-sentence log line and when you think you could begin editing.
Submissions open today. The Covid-19 Relief Discount will be awarded on a rolling basis until the 30% discount fund is depleted. Email me today so we can support your project during this challenging time!